If you want to work together but have questions first, please use the form below.
Want to ask me a general life question?
Plainly stated, it is my job to serve. On a deeper level, I’m in the business of extraordinary customer service. Whether you ever purchase from me is irrelevant. If you’re consuming my free content, you are valued. As I expand my services and content, I aim to keep you in mind. That said, I’m very curious: what’s on your mind?!
Please use the form below to ask for anything you want answered about your life. Seriously, don’t hold back! I enjoy questions, depth, curiosity, conversations, and intimacy. The following areas can be used as a guide to jump-start your inner interrogator. These are subjects I have extensive experience with (thanks, life!) and a lot to say about:
- Meditation, Prayer, Visioning, Faith, Spirituality
- God, religion, beliefs, spiritual identity crisis, existential crisis
- Love life/Dating, vetting partners, confidence
- Transitioning from casual ➡️ exclusively dating ➡️ engaged ➡️ married
- Engagement, wedding planning, the spiritual transition to wife, owning what you want for your wedding, finances around your wedding
- Energy – within self, others, + in your relationships
- Money, paying down/off debt/ habits and systems to set yourself up for success
- Organization, efficiency, productivity, effectiveness in home and work/life balance
- Experiencing intense emotions, energies, and thriving regardless
- Sex, Masturbation, sexual healing, exploration of sexuality and desires
- Trauma Work, Transitions, Grief, Handling Emotions, Breakups
- Cheating, Betrayal, Support for these times
- Self-Love, Boundaries, Communication
- Healing C-PTSD/PTSD after Abusive Relationships
- Somatic Experiencing, somatic therapy, somatic coaching
- Energy, Energy Readings, Intuition, Attunement within self and with others
- Self Expression, asking for what you want, being yourself everywhere, owning who you are and what you want
- Mentorship, Coaching, entrepreneur journey
I will work to answer your questions in my videos, blog posts, social media posts, and FAQ section (under construction), so stay tuned! It would delight me to use your first name and location when referencing these questions in audio/video format. If you wish to remain anonymous, I got you. Please make note of that below so I may honor your request.
NOTE: I will not answer your question privately or address nuanced details. If you’d like 1:1 support outside of a committed coaching package, please message me using the form above so we may work out something that honors us both.